Tuesday, September 15, 2020

powertoon trailer


We were learning to make a trailer about a favourite book.
I found easy to find all my characters.
I found it hard to get it done because I started late.
I really enjoyed that we could pick what are trailer was about.
Next time I need to find a new soundtrack because it doesn't suit my video.


We were learning to make a game for p.e.
I found it easy to come up with a game.
I found it hard to explain the game.
I enjoyed reading my text. 
next time I need to make it more exciting.

Monday, September 14, 2020



Thursday, September 3, 2020

we were learning about instructions.
I found it easy to find the backrowns.
I found it hard to write it.
I enjoyed all of it.
next time I need to get it done faster.