Tuesday, March 23, 2021

The Amazing Teagle

 We were learning about New Zealand history in what happened before we got here. 

I really enjoyed making my creature heading to detail and needed to look cool.

I found a hard to get the detail in the patterns correct if you look closer you can see a lot of mistakes.

I found it easy to describe about it's behaviour and its habitat and what it lives with

Next time I need to get the green shapes in the right place because some of the shapes are not quite on the edge.

change is...

 We were learning about change and what it means to us

I really enjoyed rereading my poem in a poetry voice.

I found it hard to think of all my ideas of what change means it took me a long time but I finally got to it

I found the easy to find the last word at the bottom in capitals of what change means to you.

Wext time I need to improve my writing by adding more detail and use some better words in my writing.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Were I learn best.

 We were learning to know ourselves as learners and the best place for us to learn.

It was easy to add the description of where I learn best.

I fownd it hard to get the right angle for my photo.

Next time I need to add more detail in my writing.

I really enjoyed finding out were I learnt best.